The jurors, Brian Young and Shea Hembrey and moderator and Chief Curator, Brian J. Lang, talking about themes and media in the exhibition. They mentioned my work, shown here in the upper left.
 "With Their Own Hands" a pigment print on handmade paper on the left and "Unremember" a looping video projection on the right.
 Talking with Delta Grand Prize winner Lisa Krannichfeld about her beautiful work. 
 Friends and Delta artists Neal And Tammy Harrington. And my dear husband, James Dow, on the far right.
 Images and article about the Delta Exhibition in the River Valley & Ozark Edition of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
 My work "With Their Own Hands" in the upper right in June/July 2018 issue of American Craft accompanying information about the Delta opening at the Arkansas Arts Center.
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